Hilarous movie!
This was a very great movie. You made it very funny with things which are just as the reality. Looks like the reality on newgrounds is funny too, lol.
This movie itself is funny but also nice animated, you've spent much effort in it, I can see that. All the animations are very well done (yeah there are just a few which I didn't like) but look at the Tankmen thing. That's just one of the few parts of the movie which is very little but so well done!!
All the facts are 100% true. Like the zero and five voting, and that most people are sadly enough aged 13 so they spam very much on newgrounds and find it funny to give good submissions a zero. The hentai thing is also true and the loader yeah I think that was actually true too! You see that when you're submitting a game that people vote very fast. They could not played the game in that little time. They just look at the loader and menu and if they don't understand the game they will vote zero too. Too lazy to look how the game works.
Back yo the movie, I watched it a few times now, and I found it over and over again funny. Very well done and I really hope to see more from you!!
The Rankings:
Fun: 10/10, hilarous reality jokes!
Animation: 9/10, there are very good parts but there are also a few parts which were not that good...
Sounds: 9/10, good voice and sound effects/music.